วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2562


Human Resources Development and Career Development: Where Are We, and Where Do We Need to Go
Shuck, Brad; McDonald, Kim; Rocco, Tonette S.; Byrd, Marilyn; Dawes, Elliott
New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, v30 n1 p3-18 Win 2018
At the 2017 meeting of the Academy of Human Resource Development Annual Town Hall, four scholars discussed their diverse outlooks on the research and practice of career development in the Human Resource Development field. What follows in this curated collection of voices is a look into the perspective of each person who spoke at the 2017 Town Hall Meeting including their own personal story, beliefs, and philosophies on the current state and future promise of career development in HRD. A call to action is provided--including implications for practice--and a research agenda outlined.
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